Sassafras Street Renovation



Project Details
The home was a well preserved three bedroom mid century Californian bungalow when our clients John and Mary brought us on board. The owner is an architect and builder and so the design work was complete. But working as a builder for a builder could have been problematic. However Sam and John worked more like partners and both learned and contributed to produce a magnificent home while maintaining the essential charter of the 60’s. Thanks of course to all the subbies and Urrenomate who completed the design. A great family home.

The Gap



I knew Sam was the man to work with me on my reno as soon as I met him. After years in the industry you get to spot the ones who really care and Sam is one of them.We worked as a team from day one and we learned from each other, faced the challenges and produced a magic result. Sam and his team at Ready Constructions is how a Reno should be done. Thanks.